Monday, November 16, 2009

How Women Might Cease Fire Over Abortion and Get on With Our Lives

Immediately after the House passed a health care bill last week my e-mail box started filling up with solicitations for funds from both sides of the abortion argument. I then foolishly, spent way too much time in yet another attempt to reasonably discuss the issue. I really believe there is no compromise. The usual compromise position of "live and let live" or even "agree to disagree" is apparently unacceptable in this case. Nevertheless that is my position. I guess I listened to the old song Walk a Mile in My Shoes, one time too many. Mind my own businessish. Both sides have felt betrayed by politicians and many women are invested in 'winning' this debate even if truth is a casualty.

As I proposed and stated on air last week, I believe that expecting people who define themselves as pro-life/anti-choice etc. to pay for abortions is probably the straw that breaks the camel's back. I would suggest that those people who are pro-choice work on a way that helps women to have safe and affordable reproductive choices by donating money directly to the providers of such services rather than hoping their elected official will use the money they might contribute for such causes in the way they expect.

I would also hope that those women who would rather not see pregnancies terminated would donate money directly to groups that provide support for mothers facing challenges or promoting adoption and foster care. It does seem that all would benefit, women and children and those who feel passionately about either side of the issue. As it stands, the only ones who seem to be benefiting are the many special interest groups that surround this issue and the political parties that need to keep women divided.

Think about how empowering this could be for women. Since politicians seem to feel free to ignore our wishes, why not put our money where our mouths are?


1 comment:

  1. Ms Behaved - so far this is the most intelligent idea I have heard - the most well behaved solution too.

    Everyone else just wants to shout back and forth at each other trying to force the other side to switch opinions! when oh when will women learn that neither side is going to change their minds by brow beating and humiliating the other?

    Your constructive suggestion will meet with a tepid if any responce- necause neither side wants a sensible solution- neither side wants to agree to disagree they each want the other side to totally change their opinion and declare themselves wrong and conformed to the other's ideology, something that is NEVER ever going to happen.

    I like your proposal and it will show just how political the argument really is - and needs to remain. God forbid we should come to a reasonable solution or agree to mind our own damned businesses or put our money where our mouths are!

    God forbid the majority were to unite and come together after all the hard work the men and the two party's have put into dividing us all these years and keeping us from achieivng our rightful place as the majority power we rightfully deserve!
